Policy and privacy for funimation



Piracy as a whole I have some varying opinions on. I’ve pirated things before, and I don’t feel bad about doing it, not anime in particular, but just pirating in general. For example, the first couple Assassin’s Creed games on PC, I really wanted to play, yet they didn’t release them when they released on consoles and Ubisoft is notorious for not caring about PC gaming, so why would I ever pay money and support them? It simply doesn’t make sense to support a company that doesn’t care about you in any way.

Something like anime I don’t pirate, but I also don’t buy it honestly. Just like I don’t buy movies, or any other TV show, I very rarely if ever watch the same thing twice. In fact the only anime I’ve seen twice is the DB/DBZ/DBGT series, because I watched it as a kid off and on on Toonami, and then I watched it from start to finish not too long ago. But I hadn’t seen every episode, and it had been like a decade. I’ve never watched any other series of anime/tv more than once, so I really can’t justify spending $50+ just so I can look at a box.

That being said, obviously if you support something you should always get it legally. And I can’t really justify pirating anything you actually care about, because you’re clearly hurting the company that made it. I’ll also agree though that the majority of people who pirate things wouldn’t ever buy them. I would never buy an Assassin’s Creed game, because I’d never support them, whether I pirate it or not, I’m not buying it for sure. So I can either pirate it if it’s something I’m interested in, or just ignore it if not.

As for illegal streaming, don’t see much of a point. Most of what you want to watch can be found legally somewhere. However, not everything. If you can’t find it somewhere legally, then you’re kind of out of other options in my opinion. If companies made it easier to legally get watch their shows it wouldn’t be as big of a problem. Companies have gotten better in recent years, but it’s still not perfect.

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